General Tab (Facility)

Once the facility is added, its properties can be modified in the following sub-tabs:

  • Image Sub-Tab: Use this sub-tab to define in- and out connectors and choose an image.
  • Capacity Sub-Tab: Use this sub-tab to define the output capacity of each connector.

If you didn't select the Load Facility from Catalog option above you still have the option to do so by selecting the Load from Catalog Load from Catalog button. You can also save the currently facility to the catalog by selecting the Add to Catalog Add to Catalog button. Finally, you can select a new image for the facility from the image list by selecting the Images button; you can use Windows Meta File (.wmf) or Enhanced Windows Meta File (.emf) formats.

  • Injection Capacity: (Only for water or gas Injection Facilities.) Maximum water or gas injection capacity.
  • Gas Lift Capacity: (Only for gas lift facilities; see Gas Lift Installation.) Maximum lift gas injection capacity.
Both injection facilities and gas lift facilities have two different capacities: the main processing capacity entered in the Capacity Sub-Tab, and the specific injection/gas lift capacity. The main processing capacity works as a first constraint, since it determines the amount of fluid that the facility can either inject or route downstream, and any excess water or gas routed to the facility will be scaled back and choke upstream production wells (unless other Excess Policy Tab are defined). The specific (injection or gas lift) capacity determines only the amount of fluid that can be injected; any excess water or gas will be routed downstream (that is, insofar as the main capacity allows it).

The rest of the inputs in the left half of the tab duplicate those of Facility Construction jobs: Construction Time, CapEx, Fixed OpEx, Choose Cost Category Choose Cost Category, Activities and Construction Resource Requirements.

Facility Operation Options

The right half of the facility General tab contains a variety of options to regulate the operation of the facility.

The Facility with connected wells pane contains options related to connected wells:

  • Must be completed before drilling of connected wells can start: Use this option to prevent drilling of connected wells from starting before the construction of the facility is completed. This option will overrule drilling dates defined in the Schedule if these dates are earlier than the completion date of the facility. See especially how this option operates with cloning jobs under Well & Facility Cloning.
  • Production starts only when all connected wells can start producing: When this option is enabled, the facility will wait until all wells and clones connected to it have been completed. Note that if a maximum number of connected wells is set below, this max will serve as the required number for the facility to start producing.
  • Max Connected Wells: Maximum number of wells that can be connected to the facility. Completions installed in the same wellbore count in this case as one well (see Well Node).
  • Drilling Site: Select a Drilling Site where the wells directly connected to this facility will be drilled. Use the Load from Catalog button to load one from the list of already defined sites. The Drilling Site defined here takes precedence over that defined in the well or job tabs.
  • Min Wells Required to Build: Minimum number of well clones connected to this facility required for a the facility to be cloned. This only applies in relation to Automatic Development and Well & Facility Cloning jobs with the Clone associated facilities... option checked. Use it to ensure that the construction of a facility clone is justified by the amount of produced fluids is will process, i.e. that it is not cloned to handle the production of just a few wells.

Other options:

  • Location: X-Y-Z location of the facility. The X-Y location is only used to calculate pipeline costs based on distance between facilities (optional) and for calculation of drilling costs in the case where a Departure Curve is defined in the Well Drilling Info Tab.
  • Generate Blend Fluids information in reports: When checked, PetroVR will calculate blended gas BTU and gas density and blended oil density (= API gravity) of the blended facility output from the definition of incoming fluids in the reservoir Fluids Tab. Component blending is always calculated. Blending results can be viewed in the Results Window and the Excel Reports under Facility Production.

Volumetrics by blend will be calculated on Gas Gravity and Calorific Value. The pseudo-reduced pressure and temperatures are calculated based on the content of carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitrogen (N2) (defined in the Fluid Composition pane) using a method by Standing (Standing 1977Closed, 26, 122).

Furthermore, a sour gas correction for sour gas content by Wichert-Aziz is applied (Wichert and Aziz 1977Closed). Please note that impurities (CO2, H2S and N2) must be added to the table in the Fluid Composition pane in order to be included in the correlation.

Other than facilities where this option is checked, volume-based blending is also calculated at the Custody Transfer Point(s).

  • Downtime: Downtime in production defined as a percentage of the potential production, i.e. after all eventual constraints (chokes or shut-ins) and consumptions are applied.

If facilities connected in series have downtime, it is assumed that the downtime is perfectly synchronized. That is, if 2 facilities, one with 10% downtime and another with 20% are connected in series, the total flow will be reduced by 20%. See a full discussion under Downtime Simulation.

Downtime cannot be used concurrently with a sequential Well Chokes policy on the same facility or on facilities processing fluids from the same reservoir.

  • Water/Gas Injection Supply: Only available for water or gas injection facilities. The injection supply defined here will be available for injection in addition to whatever produced volumes are routed to the facility. The following options are available:
    • unlimited: No maximum available.
    • constant: Enter a fixed maximum rate.
    • function: Define the maximum available rate as a function.
    • table: Define separate maximum available rates for each period in the project.

This rate is the makeup water/gas volume which will be injected to reach the injection requirements defined by the performance of the injection wells connected to the facility. In the case of water injection, the requirement can be optionally determined by a Voidage Replacement percentage defined in the reservoir Injection Tab.

  • Consumption pane: Define the separate amounts of fluids the facility will consume while operating. See Consumption.
  • Emission pane: Define the separate amounts of fluids the facility will emit while operating. See Emission.
  • Deliverability pane: Define maximum deliverability allowed per period. See Deliverability.
  • Operational Resource Requirements: Resources required during the facility lifecycle. See Resource Requirements Pane for a full explanation of how resource tracking works. Notice that usage will continue from the moment the facility comes online until it is abandoned even if operation is temporarily halted by a Facility Maintenance job.